Wedding Flowers | Wedding Florist | Destination Weddings — REBEL REBEL Flowers
Florist Hackney | Sustainable Floristry


Getting married is wonderful, exciting and magical. Choosing your wedding flowers a great part of it. Bridal flowers, hanging installations, tablescapes, arches, mantelpieces, aisle flowers table-centres, urns or just a simple vase of flowers, are what we do and what we love. At Rebel Rebel we will make your experience as simple and fun as possible and your flowers the most beautiful things you could possibly want.



Bridal bouquet and buttonhole for Ashley and Johanna


Getting married is wonderful, exciting and magical. It can also be a little overwhelming. So choose your wedding florist carefully! At Rebel Rebel we work with you to make the experience of planning your dream wedding flowers simple and enjoyable, whilst ensuring that you have the most beautiful flowers you could ever imagine on your wedding day.

Wedding table dressing by Rebel Rebel UK

Bridal bouquets, aisle flowers, hanging installations, tablescapes, arches, mantelpieces, table centres, urns or just a simple vase of flowers, are what we do and what we love.

Our sustainable, foam-free approach to floristry lends itself to our creative, wild, seasonal, mainly British flower and foliage designs. Whether you are getting married in a cathedral, a castle, your local pub or your garden, we’re here for you.

Get in touch via email at or use the contact form below and one of our team will contact you to arrange a wedding consultation.


Or if you prefer you can just choose a simple Bridal Bouquet and Button Hole.


Long table dressing for Vogue wedding at Villa Rossi in Tuscany by Rebel Rebel

Most of our weddings are in London but we do travel far and wide - and we’re not just talking about the UK. Our company Rebel Rebel Italia with its flower farm in Tuscany provides wedding flowers all over Italy and from there we can travel across Europe. Checkout our Rebel Rebel Italia weddings page to find out more about your dream wedding in Italy.